Saturday, 17 April 2010

Flaming tacos!

I come from a short line of women who, how do you say....can't cook. The line is short because people with skills such as mine tend towards a life of domestic unfulfillment, painful digestive incidents, and an early grave. Fortunately, my mother married early and my father is a culinary genius, and so survived to produce three children, two of whom can cook with a view to improvisation and international flair.

The other one is me.

And while I've had my fair share of kitchen shennanigans, before last week I'd never suffered the ultimate shame of accidently setting my food on fire. TACOS! My one weakness!

On the plus side, Shandy got some choice photos of me and our dinner guest with the flame-spewing oven. They'll be keepers for sure.

Monday, 5 April 2010


Not only is my siamese fighting fish Jeremy a valued
member of our household, he also looks good, swims fast
and scares the panties off any six foot macho guston that
tries to break in to the appartment.
Today, however, is a grave day for everything Jeremy-
This is because I came to the unfortunate realisation
that during this week and a half off, no soul in the
appartment is alive enough to feed him his recommended
two drops of fish food everyday.

HOLD ON JEREMY I'm on my way....

The main thing I feel guilty about is leaving the jar
of fish food right infront of the bowl.
A cranky fighting fish is the last thing a negligent
owner wants.

(If worst comes to worst I can always blame Lyrebird)

Your lies will swallow you up