Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Holy moley me oh my

lesson of the day:

never tell customers you're a creative writing student

they just might retaliate with a pop quiz on australian literature

including knowledge of their own published childrens book

and when you don't recognise it

they might accuse you of stealing their credit card


  1. Disappointing, Shandy. I shall now impart unto you the wisdom of my six weeks of seniority...

    As both a uni-student AND a writer, you'll need to hone your credit-card theiving skills to a ninja-like sharpness, if you intend to eat sometime in the next four years.

    Also, never forget to get an autograph from somene claiming to be famous! I'll bet it'd fetch quite the pretty penny on Ebay...

  2. thanks for the advice, friend!
    p.s. i stole your wallet
