Sunday, 2 May 2010

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Flaming tacos!

I come from a short line of women who, how do you say....can't cook. The line is short because people with skills such as mine tend towards a life of domestic unfulfillment, painful digestive incidents, and an early grave. Fortunately, my mother married early and my father is a culinary genius, and so survived to produce three children, two of whom can cook with a view to improvisation and international flair.

The other one is me.

And while I've had my fair share of kitchen shennanigans, before last week I'd never suffered the ultimate shame of accidently setting my food on fire. TACOS! My one weakness!

On the plus side, Shandy got some choice photos of me and our dinner guest with the flame-spewing oven. They'll be keepers for sure.

Monday, 5 April 2010


Not only is my siamese fighting fish Jeremy a valued
member of our household, he also looks good, swims fast
and scares the panties off any six foot macho guston that
tries to break in to the appartment.
Today, however, is a grave day for everything Jeremy-
This is because I came to the unfortunate realisation
that during this week and a half off, no soul in the
appartment is alive enough to feed him his recommended
two drops of fish food everyday.

HOLD ON JEREMY I'm on my way....

The main thing I feel guilty about is leaving the jar
of fish food right infront of the bowl.
A cranky fighting fish is the last thing a negligent
owner wants.

(If worst comes to worst I can always blame Lyrebird)

Your lies will swallow you up

Sunday, 28 February 2010

Back to Uni

Back to Uni, here we go,
What'll happen, noone knows.

Goodbye Summer!
What a bummer,
Autumn really blows.

No longer Freshers,
Now we know better.
This year we'll be twenty!

We'll sit up late
And procastonate,
Drinking cups of tea.

...Thankyou, I'll be here all week!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Holy moley me oh my

lesson of the day:

never tell customers you're a creative writing student

they just might retaliate with a pop quiz on australian literature

including knowledge of their own published childrens book

and when you don't recognise it

they might accuse you of stealing their credit card

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Why am I never wearing pants??

An almost perfect afternoon:

Sitting alone on the floor
Eating a half brick-sized 'slice' of Christmas cake with a steak knife
Watching the entirety of Scrubs season 4 a metre away from the TV (no glasses)
Did I mention I wasn't wearing pants?
So: wearing an artfully draped winter scarf.
Front door open to invite airflow AND RANDOM VISITORS

Good news: he realised pretty quickly he had the wrong house
Bad news: he looked like an axe-murderer

Resume Scrubs
Move onto Shandy's home-made rocky road

Put on some pants

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

yesterday i woke up sucking a lemon

australia/invasion day.
just when i thought the mess that was christmas consumerism was over the new wave of proclaimed patriots sweep into the stores grabbing anything and everything with kangaroos, the colours green and gold, or the phrase 'gday' plastered over it. Sales of aussie flag bikinis and vegemite jars are sent soaring and these seem to be the only products one can find to validate their place in the world. My over-patriotic dad would fall into this category where free hats in newpapers become the highlight of the year. Once again he threw his annual bbq which was decorated solely by the $2 australiana section of 'House', and with tablecloths, tee-shirts and balloons i wouldn't be surprised if from an aerial viepoint the roof of my house was covered in a giant australian flag. Countless times yesterday he barged inside - aussie beer stubby in hand - accusing his offspring of being 'un-australian'. I'm fairly sure he gave up on me years ago but the realisation his sons are beginning to lose interest in his overdone patriotism seems to shake him to the core. 'It's your countrys BIRTHDAY' he would say to us solemnly while shaking his head, a statement when translated to dad-speak can be roughly decoded to mean 'and for not dressing up, you are dead to me'. I wonder if he realises this birthday he speaks of was the day the British hoisted their flag in Sydney Cove, and was followed by the slaughter of thousands of Aborigines. It's kind of funny really - listening to him rant yesterday the only person he reminded me of was the father from 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' instructing his kids 'give me a word - any word - and i will show you how the root of that word is greek'. Yesterday dad was telling my younger brother 'any other country and you'd be either working or dodging bullets. Go on. Give me a country. Any country'. Soon enough I could hear him ramble about the dangers of Ireland and the IRA and how even today walking down the street and a bin could just explode. Maybe he has the same mindset as the father in the recent tv ad who believed the great wall of china was built to keep the rabbits out. I can see how quickly appreciating ones place in the world on australia day can turn to gloating and competing.
Ok - poor dad. I realise he was brought up differently and crushing his sense of patriotism would absolutely crush the essence of his being. But why do we feel such a need to belong? Screw nations. Can't we believe in people instead?

I must admit though - the day wasn't all bad. We did find little ways to torture him by saying we were putting a movie on - his choice of the wog boy, my big fat greek wedding, american ninja, aladdin or the last king of scotland.

Once again I was greeted by the 'dead to me' glare. Ah, how I missed you old friend.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

For the record

Shandy and I both have glasses now.


Lyrebird out.

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Christmas 2010

Call me over-prepared, but I have a good feeling about this year's festive season.

For one thing, by beginning it a good eleven and a half months earlier than usual, I can let my beggared uni student fingers do the walking all over the spurned commercial excesses of last year in the frenzy that is the post-Christmas sales. Bargain-basement Santa Claus.

Also, there has been the promise of creme brulee at our first annual Christmas dinner. The downside being that it was promised by me. With all the culinary skill of a one-legged panda backing me up, this is potentially problematic - but oh, the hijinks that will ensue!

So, mehearties, put on your seasonal novelty paper crowns, go eat some tinsel, and prepare yourselves for a tale of Christmas such as you've never heard before.....

First past the post

Who can live with this kind of pressure?